Friday, March 8, 2013

Culinary Bandung Most HOT in the Community

Posted by Unknown on 11:13 PM with

      Culinary Bandung has become part of Bandung tourism and to attract domestic and foreign tourists. There are different types of traditional and modern food in this city of flowers presented in a variety of interesting variations.
There are various ways to enjoy this culinary Bandung. You can eat it on the spot or take it home to your town as souvenirs, such as cookies or other snacks form. Of all the current popular food Bandung, Bandung culinary menus whether its worth a try?

1. Sosis

Healthy food that one is starting to rise in the city of Bandung. There are a variety of unique flavors, ranging from duck sausage, sausage cheese and smoked beef sausage, and everything is guaranteed halal and without preservatives.

2. Batagor

Batagor or also called fried tofu meatball culinary Bandung is one of the most sought after today. Can be served with peanut sauce and sweet soy sauce or with hot soupy dish. Fit to be eaten in times of cool air.

3. Tahu Sumedang
Tahu Sumedang

West Javanese snacks are widely available in the Lembang, north London, and stores know this was typical of West Java is generally eaten with a sweet chilli or soy sauce.

4. Soto Bandung
Soto Bandung

A 'heavy foods' are worth a try. Cuisine Bandung this one can be found at several restaurants in Bandung with affordable price. Equipped with sliced ​​radish, beef or chicken, fried soy beans, green onions, a little soy sauce, lime juice, and sprinkled with chips, this one fits the cuisine eaten in all situations.

5. Surabi

Is one of the culinary Bandung that has undergone many transformations. Food Bandung this one can be found on the edges of the road in the morning and on the sidewalk. For those who love the traditional taste can try oncom or sweet taste with brown sugar sauce on it. But for those who want to try new flavors are more daring, to try surabi with many variations, such as chocolate, cheese, bananas, eggs, strawberries, and milk.

6. Ketan Bakar
Ketan Bakar

Ketan is a culinary Bandung fuels that are often encountered along the way. Served with a variety of spices, grilled sticky rice price per piece is around Rp 4,000 per piece. Suitable to be brought to your city as souvenirs Bandung.

Culinary Food

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